Zone 1
Mar 1, 2008 4:07:39 GMT -8
Post by ILoveGruntz on Mar 1, 2008 4:07:39 GMT -8
The correct route is actually quite simple, but my advice is to simply observe the UFO'z for a while, and sooner or later you see the pattern.
Full Gruntzer
Posts: 462
Zone 1
Mar 31, 2008 11:56:02 GMT -8
Post by rohit on Mar 31, 2008 11:56:02 GMT -8
I finished the level but was unable to get a coin in the final zone. It is near the black brick and can be reached through a secret. So where is the trigger for RW???
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Display Name: GooRoo
Zone 1
Mar 31, 2008 18:35:09 GMT -8
Post by GooRoo on Mar 31, 2008 18:35:09 GMT -8
I finished the level but was unable to get a coin in the final zone. It is near the black brick and can be reached through a secret. So where is the trigger for RW??? I do not recall a Secret required to get past that Explosive Brick ... perhapz a Grunt was suicided to make it through that barrier?
Full Gruntzer
Posts: 462
Zone 1
Apr 1, 2008 10:45:58 GMT -8
Post by rohit on Apr 1, 2008 10:45:58 GMT -8
I do not recall a Secret required to get past that Explosive Brick ... perhapz a Grunt was suicided to make it through that barrier? I got past the exploding brick using timebomb. The coin is next to it surrounded by various debris and there is no path to it so i guess there must be a RW to it..
Zone 1
Apr 1, 2008 23:06:12 GMT -8
Post by ILoveGruntz on Apr 1, 2008 23:06:12 GMT -8
There is a path to that coin...
It may be difficult to see, but it is there.
Full Gruntzer
Posts: 462
Zone 1
Apr 1, 2008 23:14:07 GMT -8
Post by rohit on Apr 1, 2008 23:14:07 GMT -8
Thanks, got the PERFECT!
Zone 1
Apr 2, 2008 2:24:57 GMT -8
Post by ILoveGruntz on Apr 2, 2008 2:24:57 GMT -8
Great - now try Zone2
Zone 1
Feb 21, 2009 16:37:56 GMT -8
Post by WalkingBear on Feb 21, 2009 16:37:56 GMT -8
I am just starting this frustrating level for the zillionth time...is there a walkthrough? Now, after reading everyone'z postz, I see that I need to do both barehanded gruntz and the shovelz first...
The first barehanded grunt is fine, all he has to do is avoid the lava burstz and the UFO'z...once he getz the spygear and goez through the BW he is ok.
The second barehanded grunt doez pretty well too...except that after he usez the bricklaying gear, then he getz the shovel...which is fine to fill the hole, step on the GTS, and stop the rock from rolling...but there is no way to get to the last hole...every time he triez to go down past the rock, he getz stopped by a coin and then he diez. What is he doing wrong?
Is there any order to each area? I don't understand about the springz and spongegun triggering a RW....
Zone 1
Feb 22, 2009 1:31:12 GMT -8
Post by ILoveGruntz on Feb 22, 2009 1:31:12 GMT -8
Quite a inventive strategy to get to that hole (it won't work, but it sure is inventive), but what if there was another way to get to it... Try to reach it from the other side
Full Gruntzer
!!! The one that Persevere Prevails !!!
Posts: 462
Zone 1
Jun 19, 2009 14:14:38 GMT -8
Post by Sheroan on Jun 19, 2009 14:14:38 GMT -8
I Finished this level, but I lost two coins, and I had left 5 gruntz alive, that I made bad?
Zone 1
Jun 21, 2009 3:27:46 GMT -8
Post by ILoveGruntz on Jun 21, 2009 3:27:46 GMT -8
Well, the reason that only one grunt survives is that all other gruntz must be sacrificed to get the coins - so i guess that the coins you missed is in the final area. Most coins in this CL is in plain view, so you should be able to see the coins you missed.
Zone 1
Nov 1, 2009 13:02:46 GMT -8
Post by ILoveGruntz on Nov 1, 2009 13:02:46 GMT -8
Whoa - most of my CL'z just changed location... Well I guess that the FRUSTRATING tag I put on them justifies the movement. BUT the description on the sub forum just doesn't fit the ZoneX CL'z. It fits KaraokeBar fine, but these CL'z do not have frustrating timing puzzlez (well a few quite tough ones actually), the frustration in these CL'z is from the mind game. I'm pointing this out because most gruntzerz seems to be scared of by impossible timing puzzlez, and, I don't want this to happen to the CL'z that don't have these. Either I could change the difficulty to very hard if the rest of you think the definition for frustration is the timingz, or GooRoo could simply modify the sub forum description.
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I luv Gruntz!
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Display Name: GooRoo
Zone 1
Jul 28, 2010 16:37:30 GMT -8
Post by GooRoo on Jul 28, 2010 16:37:30 GMT -8
Area 6 is truly visual insanity! When my display reached that area, the computer froze, with the most god-awful noise ... the intersection of UFOz causing the problem. I had to escape and close Grunt to get rid of the problem.
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Posts: 752
Zone 1
Aug 6, 2010 12:44:03 GMT -8
Post by Zu on Aug 6, 2010 12:44:03 GMT -8
I have no patience to read the whole thread, so I'll just leave the problem, hoping that no one has wrote about it yet.
Right-down corner of the level. Place, where time-bomb grunt needs to move the rolling rock through the arrows. Place, where two button-affected arrows are placed in a row.
It's impossible to get the grunt move from one button to other and allow the ball to move further. It's. Just. Impossible. The grunt is too slow or the ball is too swift. Or the buttons are too far away (in fact, they need to be exactly next to each one). In any case, in the current version is just unsolvable.
Note that I've only tried to help someone else in solving the level, they've sent me the save from exactly this point. Perhaps it's they who did something wrong?
Zone 1
Aug 6, 2010 14:06:15 GMT -8
Post by ILoveGruntz on Aug 6, 2010 14:06:15 GMT -8
The point of that puzzle is to use the tool thief as an extra grunt... Then you are able to press BOTH the switchez at the same time. I made the purple switchez at the bottom of this area to hint the player that more than one grunt is needed.
Zone 1
Aug 8, 2011 20:59:45 GMT -8
Post by jeanval on Aug 8, 2011 20:59:45 GMT -8
while I'm loving this level, I'm stuck once I get all 8 gruntz to the final square (3). I'v positioned gruntz 1-6 on the first set of purple pressure switches. Then can access the second set of 2 purple switches, with the last two gruntz.
I understand that I need to blow up the black brick to get to the green switch, but am stuck. Even if I sacrafice my grunt there, I can't get another to the green switch.
Zone 1
Aug 12, 2011 22:40:47 GMT -8
Post by jeanval on Aug 12, 2011 22:40:47 GMT -8
ok, finally figured it out. On the grunt w/ trowel, shovel, and gauntlez -- the gruntz needs to leave the level with gauntlez.
If you don't have a gauntlez grunt in square 3, I don't think its possible to complete the level.
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I luv Gruntz!
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Display Name: GooRoo
Zone 1
Aug 13, 2011 7:48:24 GMT -8
Post by GooRoo on Aug 13, 2011 7:48:24 GMT -8
I wish someone would leave a map for the movement through the ThunderCloudz patchwork with all of the Switchez in it. I discarded effortz to solve this one in that #$%$%$ area where I alwayz was struck by lightning somewhere within the maze. That is the main reason I relegated this to the "Frustrating" section.
Zone 1
Aug 14, 2011 3:21:12 GMT -8
Post by ILoveGruntz on Aug 14, 2011 3:21:12 GMT -8
Thunderclouds? ? Aren't you thinking of Zone2? Anyways - The point of area 3 is to sacrifice your gruntz one by one to clear the level. You need to figure out what gruntz to kill, and who should survive with the warpstone grunt. Spygearz, gauntletz, springz and shovelz are needed for quite a lot of the area. BTW my harddisc burned down a while ago, so work on Zone4 is lost, and I'm not in the mood to remake it yet. Also I don't have any copies of my other CL'z on my current harddisc, so I need to redownload them (or get my backups) at some point.
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I luv Gruntz!
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Display Name: GooRoo
Zone 1
Aug 14, 2011 7:02:12 GMT -8
Post by GooRoo on Aug 14, 2011 7:02:12 GMT -8
The web host problem is limited to updating the web host storage, so you should be able to re-download everything that was ever submitted to replenish your new hard drive.