Post by Pinkgoo on Nov 3, 2007 11:30:16 GMT -8
Post by SwordGrunt on Nov 10, 2007 7:36:54 GMT -8
Post by Pinkgoo on Nov 10, 2007 7:45:45 GMT -8
Thank you for catching that...
Owner Administrator
I luv Gruntz!
Posts: 7,475
Display Name: GooRoo
Post by GooRoo on Nov 11, 2007 15:39:24 GMT -8
I am starting in on the verification of this CL in a few minutez. I hope to have it included in today's released Custom Levelz.
Is my hat too big?
Posts: 1,308
Post by BattlezM on Nov 11, 2007 21:27:06 GMT -8
This is a great level Pinkgoo! PERFECT in 18:18.
Full Gruntzer
Posts: 151
Post by manu on Nov 12, 2007 9:20:33 GMT -8
I agree with BattlezM : This is really a great level Pinkgoo ! Tanks a lot for it .
Post by oldone on Nov 12, 2007 9:33:55 GMT -8
Loved it Pinkgoo. Terrific level.
Post by 005601dj on Nov 12, 2007 10:45:24 GMT -8
I have'nt played for a few weeks, got tierd of felling stupid because I seem to struggle figuring out game without a WT. Right from the start I cant figure out how boxing gloves grunt hit the gruntz onto the PSz. I have tried too many times to even count. Need some advice on how to do this. Thanks
Owner Administrator
I luv Gruntz!
Posts: 7,475
Display Name: GooRoo
Post by GooRoo on Nov 12, 2007 14:05:19 GMT -8
I have'nt played for a few weeks, got tierd of felling stupid because I seem to struggle figuring out game without a WT. Right from the start I cant figure out how boxing gloves grunt hit the gruntz onto the PSz. I have tried too many times to even count. Need some advice on how to do this. Thanks You must alwayz punch in such a way (and direction) that the Shield Grunt has at least one of the eight directionz remaining free for the Boxing Glovez Grunt to approach and punch from. Don't forget that you can have him punch on the diagonal, not only from north, south, east and west! And the Grunt being punched must be able to move in the opposite direction from the punch. Pyramidz, Rockz, Holez and other Gruntz will either prevent movement, or lose the punched Grunt. Seldom does the Grunt nearest a Purple Multi-Grunt Switch actually end up on that Switch. IMNSHO, the very first box is the toughest mini-puzzle. Solve that one, and your chancez are excellent of being able to get the warpstone to the King with a " PERFECT!" score. As a matter of fact, I don't think it is even possible to finish with anything other than a PERFECT!
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Post by Gaby on Nov 12, 2007 14:06:38 GMT -8
don't give up, it takes some thinking... sometimez you'll have to hit diagonal and sometimez from the back... alwayz remember to live a place you can go to even if it is between two enemy shieldz... I Loved it Pinkgoo. Terrific Idea...
Post by SwordGrunt on Nov 12, 2007 17:10:24 GMT -8
PERFECT! Yes, it was a great game... took me much thinking, and enjoyed it very much. Thanks Pinkgoo for this great level and congratulations for your designing!
Post by Pinkgoo on Nov 12, 2007 18:43:32 GMT -8
Thank you everyone. 005601dj, if you still haven't figured it out, here'z some hints to help you. *The gruntz in the first square will be hit on and off the purple switchez. *You can punch in all 8 directionz *You can punch a grunt diagnolly between two other gruntz, among other thingz(Water, goo pitz) If you all enjoyed this level so much, maybe you should make some of your own using the the Sokoban levelz found here; members.aol.com/SokobanMac/levels.html broken link ... site closed.
Post by 005601dj on Nov 12, 2007 19:42:24 GMT -8
Thanks for the help everyone. I made it through with a Perfect. I moved the grunt at the top down & out of the way so I could move the other gruntz around & then put him on a PS. Anyway I think that is what I did, I tried so many things it got to be confusing
Post by mommabird on Nov 13, 2007 9:40:55 GMT -8
Great level!!!
Full Gruntzer
See ya!
Posts: 476
Post by peekaboo on Apr 14, 2008 2:34:54 GMT -8
Pinkgoo, take what everybody above has said and please triple it. This was an outstanding game and I just loved it! Please, please, make some more. Haven't had so much fun in a long time. You should be bursting with happiness from all these comments because they are all heartfelt. So hurry up with the next one. I can't wait. Edit: I agree with GooRoo, the first puzzle was a doozy but that's great (IMHO) because it drives you to figure the darn thing out and revs your motor. This prepares the player for the idea behind the game and when you succeed each one, you get a thrill out of it and that just peeks your interest for the next quest part and makes you part of the game.
Full Gruntzer
!!! The one that Persevere Prevails !!!
Posts: 462
Post by Sheroan on May 4, 2009 14:02:39 GMT -8
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! perfect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thankz
Post by SpaceGoo on Jan 21, 2010 16:21:25 GMT -8
I've had this CL for a while, but just now remembered I had it, so I tried it. It really is a great level. Even though it's the same concept puzzle throughout the level, each one is unique, and I loved it. It's so simple in a way, but challenging. I really wish that you had made more CLz, because I liked every one of yours!
Post by Pinkgoo on Jan 23, 2010 15:07:05 GMT -8
Your wish will be granted soon.
Post by grosserfluss on Mar 12, 2024 16:20:14 GMT -8