Post by SwordGrunt on Nov 28, 2008 4:17:11 GMT -8
I totally agree about the ending puzzle! My problem here is that I think I did things on the wrong order... it was kind of confusing but I just progressed. Then the Goober Grunt took the wormhole... with all the Swordz just waiting for him. That wasn't nice of their part... anyway I just realized there was a Death Touch below... so I took a yo-yo, the powerup and went on to take care of the bad guys. I still find the duration of the powerup somewhat too little should one use all four yo-yos to kill all four Swordz. Otherwise, if I'm supposed to rely on luck and timing to touch the enemiez before they cut me in two (which isn't easy with a Death Touch Grunt), I don't find any use for the yo-yos, neither for the Glovez.
The brickz in the beginning also didn't prove useful. And I analyzed the arrowz and holez, and couldn't think of any way to go in the middle, and back (to reveal a possible Red Warp), even with the SpongeGun. Is this possible?
A nice and small, yet challenging level!
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I luv Gruntz!
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Display Name: GooRoo
Post by GooRoo on Nov 28, 2008 8:32:45 GMT -8
In the version I suggested to Pandemona, there was no Death Touch Powerup, and only one Yo-Yo in the final area ... and it was a Coin not the Warpstone Piece 'guarded' by the four enemy gruntz . (I didn't need the Powerup or most of the Toyz.) What I am going to investigate (when I get the time) is his treatment of the Goo Puddlez ! That was a great ploy to add some effort to the middle puzzle!
Full Gruntzer
See ya!
Posts: 476
Post by peekaboo on Dec 27, 2008 11:45:29 GMT -8
I guess I don't get this game. Can't get the straw gruntz out of the first part with the holez, arrowz, and spikez. Help, please.
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I luv Gruntz!
Posts: 7,476
Display Name: GooRoo
Post by GooRoo on Dec 27, 2008 15:25:21 GMT -8
I guess I don't get this game. Can't get the straw gruntz out of the first part with the holez, arrowz, and spikez. Help, please. Both the SpongeGun Grunt and the GooberStraw Grunt go to the CheckPoint Switch area, and SpongeGun shootz at an arrow ... which GooberStraw stepz onto just as the sponge arrivez. SpongeGun Grunt is trapped there ... but the important Grunt goez onward.
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Posts: 3,537
Post by Gaby on Dec 27, 2008 17:30:14 GMT -8
I tried that too but when I sucked up all the goo I could not create a new grunt, for some reason... on the other hand... I manged to shoot the boomerangz to the BOTS... it was the third part that puzzled me... I could not take any hitz with my low powered grunt...
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Posts: 3,537
Post by Gaby on Dec 27, 2008 18:09:25 GMT -8
OH wait... I think I got it... I should lure them one by one and kill them with the arrowz... ... I'll try that... Edit: I'm sure I'm missing something... some goo maybe? Oh ye self goo it is... finaly got the PERFECT... thank you Pandemona
Full Gruntzer
!!! The one that Persevere Prevails !!!
Posts: 462
Post by Sheroan on Oct 9, 2009 13:15:24 GMT -8
!!!!!!!!!!! PERFECT !!!!!!!!!!!!! In 6:58 thankz you
Post by grosserfluss on Jan 6, 2024 11:57:44 GMT -8
There are so many things that I don't understand about the level.
After getting the goober straw grunt through the first part, what I'm left with is that the sponge gun grunt (and the enemy grunt with the same weapon) is now behind the now-raised checkpoint pyramidz with no way to access their goo if killed. The boxing grunt can eventually be killed to suck up his goo.
Then after giving the barehanded grunt below the boomerang and making him kill the enemy sword grunt (and likewise, making the sword grunt kill my boomerang grunt), I end up with four puddles of go in the middle area.
Apparently, the two goo puddles that are already present are a ploy as sucking both barely fills a quarter of a normal goo puddle. So thinking that I could get a new grunt at that point, I end up with nothing.
All of this I did was in accord with the PERFECT statz page, and I can't think of anything else to progress with the level.
Post by grosserfluss on Jan 6, 2024 12:20:06 GMT -8
So I finished the level with a PERFECT result but with 4 survivorz and 0 deathz. I did not need to create any gruntz (or kill my own) so I don't know how I played it differently that what was intended. I also had no use of the boxing gloves and the death powerup but still got them for the PERFECT score. It overall feels like I reached the solution the wrong way.
Post by swietymiki on Jan 8, 2024 9:39:04 GMT -8
It's been years since I played this level, so I don't remember what my solution was at all, the only thing I remember is that I was surprised because it was more difficult than what the difficulty rating would suggest. But it's totally possible that there's multiple potential solutions to the level.
Post by grosserfluss on Jan 9, 2024 8:44:50 GMT -8