Post by WalkingBear on Apr 3, 2004 5:46:22 GMT -8
I have created a new gruntz, and moved him to the purple switch. The walkthrough says:"Move on of the gruntz to the south on the other purple switch." There is no way to GET another gruntz to the purple switch, because you have to make your way through the arrowz first to get to the blue switch, allowing them to come across the bridge.
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Post by GooRoo on Apr 3, 2004 7:54:01 GMT -8
I believe we need more information about where you are, how many Gruntz you have (and what Toolz they have), and whether the various Gruntz are all free to move, or are trapped somewhere. (There are lots of Purple Switchez in this CL, and quite a few times where a Grunt is temporarily trapped, and needs help to return to the game.)
Post by WalkingBear on Apr 5, 2004 4:56:11 GMT -8
I have four Gruntz standing on purple switchez: springz on SE, toobz on SW, spongegun on central, and gauntletz on NW. There is an empty island to the NE which has a bridge north of it and the blue switch is just north of that island. Shovel gruntz has just killed two purple rockz gruntz and gooberstraw gruntz sucks up goo to create new gruntz, at the top of the map. He gets spy gear and they wait at purple pyramidz. New gruntz steps off creation pad to purple switch, but there is no way to get any other gruntz to that NE island and to the blue switch to step on that blue switch to walk up and step on the purple switch to allow the shovelz and spy gruntz to pass the pyramidz.
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Post by GooRoo on Apr 5, 2004 5:55:34 GMT -8
Begin by sending your Toobz Grunt toward the enemy Toobz Grunt floating between two islands. As soon as he starts to chase you, return to the original landing area, one tile off the landing area, with your buddies standing next to you. Turn the enemy Toobz Grunt into Goo. Then send Toobz to the landing area nearest where that enemy Toobz Grunt was floating (to get onto the island with the three Blue Switches), and step on the Blue Toggle Switch, then go to the south end of the island and use the Arrow to activate one of the two Blue Hold Switches (BHS). That BHS will raise half of a bridge from the CheckPoint area to the island the Toobz Grunt is now (stuck) on. Use the Springz Grunt to get to the second BHS, raising the other half of the bridge, so the SpongeGun and Gauntletz Gruntz can reach the island. SpongeGun will 'help' the Toobz Grunt get free by shooting at the Arrow, while Toobz stepz on the Arrow. We'll let you figure out the rest of the nearest three islands on your own.
Post by WalkingBear on Apr 5, 2004 8:13:36 GMT -8
Nope, that's the wrong area...but what I figured out was, that my toobz gruntz could go to the platform, lose the toobz and step on the 1 switch, then go up and stand on the purple switch, allowing the shovelz and spygruntz to enter the brick maze. Now, I have to figure out how to get through to the new gruntz, who has picked up the bomb...I will have to sacrifice him at some point, I reckon, but, oh, don'tcha just love GRUNTZ? Sometimes, you just have to step back, and take a look at the whole area, and sometimes you have to sleep on it for a bit....
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Post by GooRoo on Apr 5, 2004 10:45:22 GMT -8
Ah! So you are about to release the Shovel and Bare-handed Gruntz (or have just done so). Don't be too hasty in using that SuicideBomb Grunt; make sure that you achieve maximum effect when you give him up. Getting through all of those Brickz is a challenge all by itself!
Post by WalkingBear on Apr 6, 2004 12:09:40 GMT -8
I have successfully(?) made it to the breakable bridge maze with the three blue switchez. I have absolutely no aptitude for these kindz of puzzlez and would appreciate being able to get to at least the northeast corner, if you wouldn't mind? I love intense puzzlez like this, although sometimez a walkthrough just isn't quite enough...thanks for the help....
Post by FriedGruntzaholic on Apr 6, 2004 20:07:33 GMT -8
From the keyboard of GooRoo himself a long, long time ago--I had to use the handy-dandy nifty Search Forum tool in the old Monolith forum to dig this up ! (FYI: BHS= Blue Hold Switch) "Starting from the Landing Area at the far Western edge, you should have your Gruntz arranged (East to West) as Springz, Gauntletz, Any, any ... with Springz selected. Go to the Northeast BHS with jumps of: NE, SE, E. E. NE, SE, NE, N, NW. NE, E, E (at the BHS now). Next, go to the Southeast BHS with jumps of: S, SW, SE, SS (at the BHS now). Finally, to the Northwest BHS with jumps of: W, W, NW, NW, NW, N, W, W (at the BHS now). After you manage to get Springz to the Northeast BHS via the proper path, the remainder is actually do-able by simply clicking on the next BHS you want the Springz to go to, so all those directionz I gave for the other two BHSs are overkill. ;^)"
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Post by GooRoo on Apr 6, 2004 22:05:13 GMT -8
Ah! The master archivist comes through (again!) with flying colors! (I went to the Seattle Mariners opening day baseball game to day, and didn't have time to reply.) P.S. they lost.
Post by WalkingBear on Apr 7, 2004 12:28:39 GMT -8
Moving right along, I am now at the area where the four gruntz are on the islands, having just taken care of the boomerang and club enemy gruntz...the wingz has just gone down to the bottom, and stood on the blue switch for the boomerang and gauntletz gruntzez to walk down to the middle island, stand on the blue switchez so the shovelz can go to the island with the blue switch in the middle of it....so....the walkthrough says: "Select BOTH the gauntletz and the spongegunz and send them across the breakaway bridge to the northern island." I seem to remember a tip on how to select more than one gruntz in the quickstart section, but couldn't find it today...care to remind me?
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Post by IdleAl on Apr 7, 2004 13:17:14 GMT -8
Hold your left mouse button down and draw a square around both at once.
Post by WalkingBear on Apr 8, 2004 6:07:12 GMT -8
Well, got them both up to the island. Now, I am supposed to shoot the shovelz back to the LEFT with the wingz and walk them both down to the bottom...but if I try to get the wingz in position over the water, I run out of steam, and die...and I know I need wingzpower for the checkpoint at the bottom...before, when I used the wingz to get to the middle island, I had to fly around the breakable bridge...did I use too much power then? What position should I be standing in to shoot the shovelz over the arrowz........this is not a good Gruntz day....should have stayed in bed....
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Post by GooRoo on Apr 8, 2004 9:12:33 GMT -8
Günter must have worked on this sub-puzzle for quite a while, to make it so incredibly tight on Wingz power! You will have two sets of Wingz to work with, and (done properly) the second set of Wingz fall off as the Grunt reaches the land 'way to the left along the bottom of the map. The first set of Wingz, IIRC, has a little bit of lift left in them when you exchange them for fresh ones ... but not enough to get you anywhere. I seem to recall shooting the Wingz Grunt onto the Blue Toggle Switch in the middle of all those Arrowz, then to the other side of the Arrowz. Wings will, in turn, shoot SpongeGunz toward himself (Wingz) ... which is a tough enough task all by itself! Then Wingz will take the shortest path possible to the MegaPhone and call for another set of Wingz. Hope this helps!
Post by WalkingBear on Apr 17, 2004 15:43:37 GMT -8
Well, I have made it to the final hurdle...not without restarting this enormous level about 30 timez.........but here I am, with my 8 gruntz. I cannot find the red wormhole to get to the warpletter and coins, and I never found one to get to the R either...that isn't in the walkthrough. So, I have tried to send pairs across the breakable bridge, but the gruntz behind alwayz takez hiz own route... breaking more of the bridge than necessary....how about getting me through this level so I can start bothering you with another one?
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Post by GooRoo on Apr 17, 2004 22:06:04 GMT -8
Well, I have made it to the final hurdle...not without restarting this enormous level about 30 timez.........but here I am, with my 8 gruntz. I cannot find the red wormhole to get to the warpletter and coins, and I never found one to get to the R either...that isn't in the walkthrough. So, I have tried to send pairs across the breakable bridge, but the gruntz behind alwayz takez hiz own route... breaking more of the bridge than necessary....how about getting me through this level so I can start bothering you with another one? This is a particularly sneaky part of the puzzle ... getting that Red Wormhole. You see, any Grunt can trigger the opening of that Red Warp ... the enemy, as well as your own Gruntz!!! The trigger spot is in the middle of the area where all of those enemy Sword Gruntz are hiding in the trees. If one of them starts chasing you, and stumbles across the trigger point, the Red Warp opens (likely where you cannot see it ... offscreen), remains open for a short time, then disappears. Back to a SAVE before you sent the first Grunt into that wooded area, sorry. Offhand, I do not remember how to get the "R" warpletter. Someone else (with a better memory) will have to help on that ... or you'll have to wait until (probably) Wednesday for me to have a chance to look at it. The secret to getting eight Gruntz across five Crumbling Bridges is to select two Gruntz at a time ... the following Gruntz one tile below, and one tile to the side of the leading Grunt. I used the southwest diagonal with the most success. That technique is required for three of the five bridges. The other two bridges are crossed by one Grunt each. The trick is in the order of sending Gruntz across the bridges. You want to do it so that after the first pair cross one bridge, every pair thereafter only has one possible bridge to follow to get to the other side. If the following Grunt has a choice of following the lead Grunt, or taking a shortcut on an adjacent path, it will take the shortcut every time. (Lazy Gruntz!)
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Post by Bea on Apr 18, 2004 4:10:42 GMT -8
Make sure you select both gruntz so that they move together - not each one individually
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Post by Gaby on Oct 1, 2004 19:31:10 GMT -8
I have just made it to the part were the spongegun shoots the enemy onto the golden switch... I've gatherd shovel and grutletz to go up and cross the crumbling bridge to the east ... but alas ... they're getting smushed... the ball is quicker then the gruntz is ther eny trick for me ?
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Post by Gamer on Oct 1, 2004 19:57:06 GMT -8
If you are giving up on Bombz Away this would not be a good level to turn to! Out of the frying pan and into the fire.