Post by WalkingBear on Jan 14, 2005 3:20:54 GMT -8
I have been working for several weeks on this level...and I finally finished, missing two coinz. I reread all of the walkthrough...
1. There is NO coin at the gauntletz/strawz checkpoint in Sublevel 2 (where boomerang grunt is allowed to stand because of a missing tile). That is one coin. I still cannot find the other, so I will redo one last time to be sure I covered EVERYTHING well.
2. If strawz suckz the goo of the thief grunt, then when gauntletz getz to Sublevel 3, he can shoot all of the spongegun gruntz into holez, as there will be enough goo to create a new grunt for the strawz in that Sublevel later on.
This is another extremely long and difficult level....just for all the must-do's....Whew!
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Posts: 354
Post by IdleAl on Jan 14, 2005 4:00:13 GMT -8
1. There is NO coin at the gauntletz/strawz checkpoint in Sublevel 2 (where boomerang grunt is allowed to stand because of a missing tile). That is one coin. There are 4 cupcakes at that checkpoint! One of them will reveal a coin.
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Post by Gaby on Jul 20, 2005 20:17:11 GMT -8
in the walkthrough is written... Your own straw grunt triggers the red warp. and then... After returning from the red warp the straw grunt joins the gauntletz grunt ... but... when I sent straw to trigger the RW he is gone forever and the one I sent through the RW is the spongegun... so ... what am I to do now... ... help pleas...
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Post by IdleAl on Jul 21, 2005 0:37:15 GMT -8
The spongegunz goes through the RW and returns.
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Post by Gaby on Jul 21, 2005 4:02:31 GMT -8
thank you IdleAl... so It's only an erratum ... I made it through the first world... WOW... it's hard labor... I think I'll give it a rest now for a while...
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Post by Gaby on Jul 24, 2005 19:50:12 GMT -8
I'm done with sublevel 2 ... WOW this part was also very difficult... or is it only me ... ...without the walkthrough I couldn't make it... thank you...
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Post by Gaby on Jul 27, 2005 13:42:52 GMT -8
There are 4 cupcakes at that checkpoint! One of them will reveal a coin. WalkingBear is right There is NO coin at the gauntletz/strawz checkpoint in Sublevel 2... there are only 3 cupcakes at that checkpoint and non of them reveals a coin...
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Posts: 3,537
Post by Gaby on Jul 27, 2005 20:32:34 GMT -8
after 3 timez (at least) replaying sublevel 3 (time's up) ... I finally got on time to the CP of sublevel 4 and I'm very frustrated...how come it's not possible to be shot over an arrow wearing bootz ... ...my BH dies on the spikez before I can give him the bootz ... ...
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Display Name: GooRoo
Post by GooRoo on Jul 28, 2005 10:45:53 GMT -8
The Gruntz manual states that one of the benefits (?) of Gravity Bootz is that the wearer will not be moved by SpongeGunz, Wingz or Boxing Glovez. One of Guenter's CLz takez advantage of that, by having the solver place a Gravity Bootz Grunt on a Blue(?) Hold Switch within range of an enemy SpongeGunz Grunt ... which allowz the other Gruntz to cross to safety. So the trick is to start your (Bare-handed) Grunt moving towardz the Spikez while selecting the Bootz from the GruntzMachine to give to him. Which meanz your Grunt needz to be in fairly good health to begin with ... no fighting the enemy Toobz Gruntz or getting hit by a Sponge (as much as possible) until you are ready to hand the Bootz to the Grunt.
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Post by Gaby on Jul 28, 2005 17:01:15 GMT -8
thank you ... it took me a while but I did it...
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Post by Gaby on Jul 29, 2005 18:04:24 GMT -8
... OK I'm through sublevel 4 ... made it to the RW and to the ?secret....and even had some time left to inhale ... got the worpstone to the king to the glory of the clan... but alas... ... it's no perfect... I miss a coin... I believe that's the same coin that WalkingBear is looking for... the one that ought to be near the CP in sublevel 2 ... but isn't
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Display Name: GooRoo
Post by GooRoo on Jul 29, 2005 20:52:03 GMT -8
There is a certain Hole that must be filled in and dug up again (this CL is where I learned about 'Magic Shovelz'), and a Cupcake that must be smashed three or four timez before yielding its prize. Do you recall doing those things in this CL?
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Post by Gaby on Jul 29, 2005 21:13:16 GMT -8
yes...I recall smashing a Cupcake three timez before yielding the coin... but not using the magic shovel ... (it's not in the walkthrough ...) ... but ... there is a coin (under a cupcake near the CPS in level 2) in the walkthrough and not in the game...
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Display Name: GooRoo
Post by GooRoo on Jul 30, 2005 22:02:54 GMT -8
It has been too long since I last played this marvelous CL, and with the CRS disease I just cannot remember where everything is in every CL available. I suppose I will have to dig up the walkthrough (hope I have a hard-copy of it!) and then go into the CL with the GLE to see what you are talking about. Can you e-mail me a screen shot of your Statz page, so that I have a count of what should be found, please? (I really don't have the time to re-play the CL myself ... too many "Honey, Do"s that I need to take care of while the weather is good.)
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Posts: 354
Post by IdleAl on Jul 31, 2005 4:15:24 GMT -8
Gaby, did you get the coin under the cupcake behind the candy canes at the checkpoint after the flamethrowers in the second section of this level? It's hard to see that cupcake.
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Post by Gaby on Jul 31, 2005 17:40:42 GMT -8
so that where the fourth cupcake is ... ... you're right I didn't see it ... it's well hidden... ... thank you...
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Post by Gaby on Aug 1, 2005 1:59:56 GMT -8
...allright then.... this time it a perfect PERFECT... ... thank's...
Full Gruntzer
Posts: 457
Post by Carmen on Jan 26, 2006 4:01:25 GMT -8
Is there a way to make a Gruntz "run" or "walk faster"? I have to get the conversion scroll and get to an enemy straw gruntz in Sublevel 1......but no matter what I do, I cannot make before my poor gruntz dies.
Thanks for any help Carmen
Post by oldone on Jan 26, 2006 5:59:01 GMT -8
Unfortunately there isn't. The best thing to do is stand next to the powerup and save. Click on the powerup and then immediately start clicking on the enemy. As soon as your grunt starts to walk, put your cursor on the switch he has to go to. The second he converts the enemy start clicking on the switch. It is possible but it might take a couple of tries. Good luck!